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Ron Hunter

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1100 Burloak Drive, Suite 300 Burlington, Ontario L7L 6B2

Equitas Business Brokers Limited

Specialised Areas

MARKET EVALUATIONS – If you are ready to sell your business now, Equitas Business Brokers can provide a Market Evaluation of your business, based on preliminary financial information, to determine the Fair Market Value range of your business. This is very important in determining the ultimate sales price of your business. There is no cost or obligation for this valuation, as long as your business meets our basic criteria. SELL YOUR BUSINESS – Equitas Business Brokers has all of the tools and skills necessary to attract the largest number of qualified buyers for your business, from all over the world! In additional to the Equitas website, your business will be marketed on several additional International Business Opportunity Web Sites.

Broker Profile

Equitas Business Brokers is a full service Business Brokerage company that offers businesses for sale in Ontario, Canada. We specialize in valuating, packaging, listing and selling existing business opportunities, new business opportunities and franchises in Ontario - See more at:

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